Kelly E Kimball Memorial Fund
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Kelly E Kimball Memorial Fund
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Please help honor our friend and loved one, Kelly Kimball, by contributing to the groundbreaking LMS research she inspired, funded and helped direct along with her dear friends Janine DiTullio, Dr. Tatiana Olmenchenko, and Dr. Boris Reva  via the support of LMSDR. Together they moved mountains to  gain a deeper understanding of this rare disease, uncover mechanisms of disease progression and test novel therapies that is on course to change the course of womens' lives for generations to come. This research, a shining example of grass roots scientific collaboration, was started to help keep Kelly here in this world with us longer. It grew into something that will be her legacy for time to come. Mt. Sinai, MSKCC, Columbia and Rockefeller University all joined the project.  Our love for Kelly and her mentorship made it happen and it was her wish to keep it going.

Kelly grew up in Vernon, NY. She moved to New York City where she founded Kimball Studio where she was an inspiration acting teacher. She will be missed by thousands of actors. She will be deeply mourned by her loving family, including her mother Karen Danielson, stepmother Linda Kimball, siblings Jeff Kimball and Kristin Kimball and their spouses Dani and Mark; her four nieces, Lauren, Kate, Jane and Miranda; Charlie Alford and his mother Ann Alford; step sisters Lori Shannon, Phyllis Danielson, Kara Dillon and their families. She was predeceased by her father, Tony Kimball, and her stepfather, Donald Danielson. 

Please donate in her honor. 

ABOUT Tribute Funds

Our mission is to empower patients with information and support, fund groundbreaking LMS research and provide a bridge between patients and researchers, to collaborate on finding a cure.

Name Date Amount Comments
Michael Hennessy 03/10/2025 $207.17 In Honor of Kelley Kimball
Coral Franchi 03/08/2024 $52.01 Love you so much Kelly!!!
Rachel Lederman 10/14/2023 $206.47 Dearest brave Kelly and Jeanine, Words cannot describe the loss to the world. You changed lives with a single word. You saw in us all the wonders of our souls and you encouraged us to share it with world. Be fearless, risk and try. Thank you Kelly and thank you Jeanine for your love and support and brilliance.
Anonymous Friend 09/20/2023 $412.64 Contribution made possible by generosity of Jenny Ravitz
Linda Ingalls 09/11/2023 $103.39 with love, chuck&linda ingalls
Cristina Birkic 08/29/2023 $100.00 With gratitude for Kelly's daring fight to cure this awful disease.
Janice Hinman 08/23/2023 $103.39 Hope for a cure!! Brilliant woman no longer with us because of this devastating disease! ?
Robert & Henrietta Mountz 08/05/2023 $103.39 In memory of a beloved and courageous woman.
Adam Wishneusky 08/01/2023 $20.93  
Anna Griggs 07/31/2023 $1,031.13 With love and gratitude for the gift of knowing Kelly, from Anna and Noah.
Cacho Falcon 07/31/2023 $103.39 Your love for life gives me life. Whenever I’m doubt I think: “What would Kelly do?” Love you and miss you. You inspired me beyond words. Thank you always being there for all of us. My wonder woman.
Bex White 07/25/2023 $258.01 In loving honor of phenomenal, inspirational, magical Kelly.
Tracey Crago 07/25/2023 $51.85  
Mary, Rachel and Tyler Fullmer and Nelson 07/24/2023 $206.47 Thinking of Kristin at this time. Such a deep and difficult loss.
Niels Bolle 07/21/2023 $206.47 Amazing Kelly. You made me uncomfortable in all the best ways. I will miss you forever.
Brett & Julia Shannon 07/21/2023 $103.39  
Pamela Stark 07/19/2023 $103.39 We love you Kelly
Ninon Rogers 07/18/2023 $103.39 Kelly was a light that will continue to shine through everyone she touched with her teaching, her friendship, and her deep generosity of spirit. Thank you Janine for fighting with her to take on this disease. I am holding you and the rest of her family in the Light.
Cara Andreoli 07/18/2023 $103.39 Kelly, I can never thank you enough for being you. I will pray for you, your family, and all my wild dogs. I am forever indebted to you. All my love, Cara
Katie Brack 07/17/2023 $104.47 Kelly was an inspiration, mentor and friend. She will be deeply missed, may her hard work and perseverance to find a cure for this rare illness live on.
Stephen Reich 07/17/2023 $51.85 For a truly special person who was in all sense out of this world.
Oksana Shestakova 07/17/2023 $114.73 Incredible Kelly, you are a warrior and an angel ! I will carry you in my heart forever and your love and kindness and courage and Faith in humanity are spreading its seeds, but you know it ! Rest in Peace and thank you for all the Time I get to know you?I love you. I will continue being in Artist !
Amy Casale 07/17/2023 $103.39 Our memories will never be forgotten! When you know someone for over 55 plus years there are some good ones! Love and light my dear friend, I will miss you!
Sam Kahn 07/17/2023 $103.39 Everybody who ever met Kelly was inspired by her. She was so smart, so cool, so dedicated to what she did. She will be so missed.
Kelly Kimball 07/17/2023 $103.39 Always with kindness, Kelly helped us actors lean into our own heartbeat, our specialness. She named our superpowers. She acknowledged they existed.
Angela Cohen 07/17/2023 $57.00 Kelly had an amazing ability to look right into your eyes and know exactly how to help you heal through your artistic endeavors. I spent two days a week with her for many years, and she created a community that helped me through some of the toughest moments in my life. She was more than a teacher; she was a sage who shared her knowledge of life. Her impact on all of us will continue to live on.
Rhonda Ayers 07/16/2023 $309.56 Thank you, Kelly. You are a gift. I will love you and miss you, forever. Love you, RA.♥️⭐
Ellen Duval 07/14/2023 $51.85 Childhood friendships are so special, thanks for being one of the best.
Anita Sabherwal 07/14/2023 $51.85  
Andrew Madsen 07/14/2023 $206.47 I love you Kelly. Thank you for generously sharing your gift, your superpowers, your wisdom, and your love. You empowered us and your legacy continues to empower countless people to live fearlessly, passionately, and authentically. I miss you.
Lauri Walker 07/14/2023 $52.39 Rest in peace Kelly. Prayers for your family.
Nina Santisi 07/14/2023 $500.00  
Christine and Kevin Fahey 07/13/2023 $103.39  
Gloria and Bob Gery 07/12/2023 $103.39 Karen Danielson, Kelly's Mom, is a loving person who had such pride for all Kelly did and for who she was. In honor of you, Kelly, and of your mwonderful mother, Karen
Peter Lindberg 07/12/2023 $312.78  
Anonymous Friend 07/12/2023 $521.09 You lit up the world with your light Kelly. Miss you so much
Julie H 07/12/2023 $103.39 I didn't have the pleasure of knowing Kelly, but I am friends with JoAnn. So in a way, through stories, I do know Kelly. While we lost a very bright light, the night sky got a beautiful new star. My condolences to those who loved Kelly
Susan and Wayne Mountz 07/12/2023 $103.39  
Susan Neuffer 07/12/2023 $10.00 I’m so sad that we lost Kelly and I send condolences to her near and dear. I hope we can make progress on treating this disease.
Brad Weinstock 07/12/2023 $156.55 There is no doubt that Kelly made me a better actor. But, perhaps more importantly, Kelly made me a better person. Her weekly homework assignments and aphorisms ("Are you In or Out? What's your theme song for the season? "Got It." vs "Kick It." "Cancel, Cancel") still resonate in my head daily. I'm just one of many grateful students whose life was forever changed by this teacher and friend. So much love to all those mourning this unfathomable loss.
Heather Malesson 07/11/2023 $312.78 Eternal gratitude to you Kelly. I love you forever. ❤️
Kim Park , Henrik and Thumbelina 07/11/2023 $1,031.13 We love you so much ♥️
Kate Avallone 07/11/2023 $51.85 Heartbroken to hear about this loss. Words fail. Forever grateful to Kelly and the magic she created with Kimball Studio. Sending so much love.
Chris & David Lindsay-Abaire 07/11/2023 $1,000.00 Lucky to be among the many beneficiaries of Kelly's wisdom, humor and compassion. She will be so missed by so many.
Richard Burgio 07/11/2023 $103.39 Kelly was an inspiration to so many including myself ?
Laura Frenzer 07/10/2023 $103.39 Thank you for touching my life with such grace, light and love. A truly extraordinary woman, artist and teacher.
Justin Garascia 07/10/2023 $51.85  
Gladia Boldt 07/10/2023 $30.00 In loving memory of a woman with the kind of brightness and warmth that those of us who knew her feel when remembering her.
Michael Baldwin 07/10/2023 $51.85 So sad to see her go. Kelly cared so much, and she made such a difference to so many people. And it was a special gift to have found someone in acting in NYC who grew up just 15 min away from where I did. Thank you for everything she did and created. She was taken far too soon.
Melissa Abreu 07/10/2023 $103.39 I will miss her dearly. Purple will forever have a new meaning to me ?.
Nicholas Avenue 07/10/2023 $103.39  
Nicholas Avenue 07/10/2023 $103.39 Thank you for being a mentor, leader and changing the lives of many.
Tessa Keimes-Kim 07/10/2023 $309.56 Thank you for changing our lives forever.
Anonymous Friend 07/10/2023 $10.62  
Helen Hood 07/10/2023 $51.85 A wonderful teacher & person. Her loss leaves a gaping hole in the NYC acting community.
Jenny Ravitz 07/10/2023 $103.39  
Erica Sweany 07/10/2023 $206.47 In honor of the mentor, the mystic, the genius, the guru, the beautiful human. Forever grateful for her sight, humor, generosity and the community she created.
JoAnn&Mike Furlong 07/10/2023 $515.72 We lost our angel Kel who had the vision to help so many others with this rare cancer …. Her legacy of hope to find a cure will not be forgotten?
Eileen McHugh 07/10/2023 $51.85  
Sean Avery 07/09/2023 $312.78  
Angel Yau 07/09/2023 $52.39  
Richard Allan 07/09/2023 $10.62  
Polly Kreisman 07/09/2023 $103.39  
Devra Seidel 07/09/2023 $55.97  
Emma Orelove 07/09/2023 $51.85 For our pack leader who changed lives. We will forever be indebted to your work, your passion, your charisma, and your spirit. Love you, Kelly.
Emily Fortunato 07/09/2023 $26.35 In memory of a very beautiful person who touched so many lives.
STEVE & JULIE 07/09/2023 $103.39 In loving memory of all the times we shared
Karl Kopczynski 07/09/2023 $103.39  
Devika Bhise 07/09/2023 $521.09 In memory of an extraordinary woman who changed the lives and minds of so many artists. We will cherish her memory and everything she taught us about how to live life with abandon, generosity, and a free spirit.
Lauren Williams 07/09/2023 $26.08 Thank you for everything you gave us.
Kara Overlien 07/09/2023 $26.08 We love you, Kelly. Kara Overlien & Michael McIntire
Sasha Dominy 07/09/2023 $103.39 To our Wild Pack Leader. No words will ever truly express our gratitude for your guidance, support, strength and sheer tenacity for all of us.
Mary Regan 07/09/2023 $103.39  
Anonymous Friend 07/09/2023 $258.01  
Hanna Edwards 07/09/2023 $51.85 With love and gratitude
Kristin Cantwell 07/09/2023 $103.39 In loving memory of the most magical human.
Kim Page 07/09/2023 $103.39  
Lily Kaufmann 07/09/2023 $51.85  
Anonymous Friend 07/09/2023 $26.08  
Supriya Ganesh 07/09/2023 $51.85 Thank you for everything Kelly. You held my hand through the beginning of it all, and for that I’ll be forever grateful.
Adriana Jones 07/09/2023 $103.39 In loving memory of an incredible teacher and human being. Thank you for all you taught me and the community you created.
Michael Cinquino 07/09/2023 $103.39  
Lucille Hansen 07/09/2023 $51.85 Kelly was such an incredible, inspiring woman. She has forever left her mark on me. I am so grateful to have had the pleasure of her guidance, patience and encouragement. She will live on in all of us.
Noel Frazier 07/09/2023 $10.62  
Juhi Desai 07/09/2023 $51.85 Kelly, you will live in our hearts, minds, and work forever. Our Wild Pack Leader, you were always a legend, and now you’re forever. Love you so much.
Mary Moskowitz 07/09/2023 $51.85  
Fay Ann Lee 07/09/2023 $250.00 Kelly was a wonderful and inspiring teacher and mentor to all her students. The studio was a safe space to experiment, speak our minds, gain confidence and improve as artists and human beings. She was a gift to all of us and will be sorely missed in all our lives. God speed with love and light, Kelly!
Jamie Ragusa 07/09/2023 $206.47 Kelly! You were the most beautiful soul and spirit! And though we had a short time to work together, I very much valued it! Until we meet again in the other side... I send, love, peace, grace, and wish I had more time with you! Xoxo
Anonymous Friend 07/09/2023 $51.85  
Ann & Charlie Alford 07/09/2023 $51.85 For the most loving friend, sister, aunt and Charlie’s biggest cheerleader. He has amazing memories because of Kelly’s love and kindness. Her love was unconditional and everlasting. Kelly will always be in our hearts and walking beside us, forever.
Charles Johnstone 07/09/2023 $300.00 I knew Kelly through a dear friend. I heard first hand the amazing battle she fought and her extraordinary will to live. If one goes to her Instagram page there’s a post of her winning the Paddle Board event at Goldeneye. I will remember her joy of that trip.❤️❤️❤️
Kimberly Magness 07/09/2023 $31.23 You have changed the lives of so many. Forever grateful to have had you in my life. Love you Kelly Kimball.
Wayne Stephens 07/09/2023 $100.00  
Dylan Adams 07/09/2023 $20.93 Kelly. Thank you for being a shining light to so many lives.
Debbie Campbell + Conrad Fischer 07/09/2023 $1,041.87 With much love and many thanks for her generous spirit and lifetime of lessons. May her memory be a blessing.
  Total $15,774.19  
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