Maryke’s Legacy: Fighting for a Cure
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Maryke’s Legacy: Fighting for a Cure
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Maryke was a beacon of light in our lives, a woman whose energy, curiosity and spirit were as unyielding as her love for family and friends. Tragically, Maryke lost her life to Leiomyo-Sarcoma (LMS), a rare and aggressive form of cancer. While we mourn her loss deeply, we are determined to honor her memory by making a difference.
This fundraiser is dedicated to supporting research into LMS. By contributing, you are not only helping to find a cure for this devastating disease but also ensuring that Maryke's legacy lives on. Your generosity will bring us one step closer to a world where no one has to endure the pain of this terrible illness.

With gratitude 🙏🏻,


Maryke war ein Lichtblick in unserem Leben, eine Frau, deren Energie, Neugier und Geist ebenso unerschütterlich waren wie ihre Liebe zu Familie und Freunden. Tragischerweise verlor Maryke ihr Leben an Leiomyosarkom (LMS), einer seltenen und aggressiven Krebsart. Obwohl wir zutiefst um sie trauern, sind wir entschlossen, ihr Andenken zu ehren, indem wir etwas bewirken.
Diese Spendenaktion dient der Unterstützung der Forschung zu LMS. Mit Eurem Beitrag helft ihr nicht nur, ein Heilmittel für diese verheerende Krankheit zu finden, sondern ihr sorgt auch dafür, dass Marykes Vermächtnis weiterlebt. Eure Großzügigkeit bringt uns einen Schritt näher an eine Welt, in der niemand den Schmerz dieser schrecklichen Krankheit ertragen muss.

In Dankbarkeit 🙏🏻,




ABOUT Tribute Funds

Our mission is to empower patients with information and support, fund groundbreaking LMS research and provide a bridge between patients and researchers, to collaborate on finding a cure.

Name Date Amount Comments
Alexia Karpilov 02/06/2025 $52.06 The world has lost a treasure. Maryke lit up every room and left laughter in her wake. We will miss her terribly and can only hope these small gifts make a difference.
Sara Hanna 09/19/2024 $120.06 Friends for 11 years and will love (5) you (9) forever (3), Maryke. You were one of a kind, witty, courageous, thoughtful, adventurous, charismatic, and such a wonderful friend. I'm so lucky that our paths crossed and honored to have been your friend <3
Mariaan Ronald Langedijk 09/16/2024 $155.41 So strong, so brave, miss your smile, miss your voice. Will never forget you, Maryk xxx
Henning & Alta Van Vuuren 09/03/2024 $310.20 From your Forget-me-nots: Henning, Alta, Essa, Ananja, Elanke and Gideon.
Anonymous Friend 08/27/2024 $82.95 From Torsten & Lucia
Anonymous Friend 08/23/2024 $52.01 From Daniel Herm
Janika Zeidler 08/23/2024 $103.60  
Annette Künkele-Langer 08/23/2024 $103.60  
Briana Zeidler 08/23/2024 $50.00  
Thomas Diener 08/23/2024 $57.12 For Alex and Marykes
Jasmine Pfaff 08/21/2024 $103.60 You will always be in our hearts!
Matthias Koch 08/20/2024 $103.71  
Alexandra Morton 08/14/2024 $103.60 You are forever in our hearts, Maryke!
Barbara Szafruga 08/14/2024 $103.60  
Lucinda Munsami 08/13/2024 $103.60 Always remembered my precious gem Maryke ❤️
Carsten Zeidler 08/12/2024 $103.60  
Stefan Elsholz 08/11/2024 $103.60  
Fernando Morton 08/04/2024 $100.00 You are loved, Maryke!
  Total $1,912.32  
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